🧑‍🔬 How to Sell Using Associations

This psychology trick is the key 🤝

Brand: Javy

Psychology Concept: Affective Conditioning

Days Running: 384 Days
(This gives an indication of how it’s performing)

🧪 Affective Conditioning

Affective Conditioning is when we transfer our feelings from one set of items to another, by associating them together.

🤳 How Javy Uses Affective Conditioning

There is no reason for a baby to be in the above video from Javy. It has nothing to do with the product.

Yet, they’re essential to the success of the ad.


The smiling baby helps give a positive impression of Javy. Whether we know it or not, by seeing them together we naturally associate the warm happy feeling of the smiling baby onto Javy as a product. The visual association helps sell the product. I mean, it’s hard not to smile when seeing a cute happy baby!

🧠 How You Can Use Affective Conditioning

The key to Affective Conditioning is creating an association in your customer’s mind.

You want to associate your brand or product with something that makes your customers happy or something they desire because they think it will make them happy.

And it’s actually pretty simple to do this.

Here are some examples of how you can leverage Affective Conditioning in your ads:

In this ad, Magic Spoon associates the guys eight pack with their cereal:

In this next ad, Filterbaby associates clean filtered water healthy skin:

And lastly, one of the most classic examples of Affective Conditioning is associating your brand with the holidays (because we all feel a little bit jollier during that time of year). In this example, Wandering Bear Coffee does just that:

As you can see from these examples, the key to using Affective Conditioning is to carefully link your brand or product with something pleasing or desirable. And by doing so, selling becomes a lot easier because there’s a built-in association between your product or brand and that happy feeling.

So, how will you use Affective Conditioning?

Lemme know how it goes!

Until next time,
