🧑‍🔬 How To Make Your Ads More Likeable

And a ChatGPT prompt to help you đź‘€

Brand: FLO

Psychology Concept: Affinity Bias

Days Running: 99 Days
(This gives an indication of how it’s performing)

🧪 The Affinity Bias

Affinity bias is the tendency to favor people who share similar traits, interests or backgrounds.

🤳 How FLO Uses The Affinity Bias

FLO’s ad uses the Affinity Bias by featuring its founder, Brianna, who shares her personal journey of struggling with hormonal acne. The story is relatable to many women who have faced similar challenges and have been frustrated with the conventional solutions offered by dermatologists.

Brianna’s honest recount of her experience—going to doctors, trying different medications, and feeling let down by traditional methods—mirrors the frustrations of many in her target audience. By positioning herself as someone who has faced the same issues and found a natural, effective solution, Brianna creates a sense of camaraderie, likeability and trust with the viewer.

🧠 How You Can Use The Affinity BIas

The key to using the Affinity Bias in your advertising is to create a deep sense of connection with your audience by showing that you truly understand their struggles and experiences.

It’s best used in a Founder’s Story ad, like the example here from FLO, or customer testimonials.

Here’s how you can implement this in your own ads:

  • Tell The WHY Behind The Product: Share why the product was started. Make sure it’s authentic and relatable to the people you’re trying to reach.

  • Acknowledge Common Frustrations: Address the pain points your audience faces with the current solutions available to them. When they see that you understand their challenges, they’re more likely to trust and like your brand.

  • Showcase Real-Life Solutions: Present your product as a solution that was born out of real-life needs and challenges, whether through a Founder Story ad or a customer testimonial. Highlight how it’s designed specifically to address the issues your audience cares about.

By using the Affinity Bias effectively, you can create a deeper emotional connection with your audience, making them more likely to trust and like your brand.

If you’re struggling to think of something, here’s another ChatGPT prompt (just fill in the brackets with your brand information):

I'm creating an ad for [brand] and need help with a script for an ad.

[explain brand in one sentence]

The target audience are:
[list target audience]

The pain points it solves are:
[list customer pain points]

The current solution to this problem is [list a current solution] but [explain why it's not a good solution].

The main unique selling propositions (USPs) compared to the competition are:
[list USPs in bullet points]

Can you please help in creating a script for a 15-30 second video ad that uses the Affinity Bias?

The goal with this ad is to evoke a sense of trustworthiness by telling a personal story that reflects the experiences of the target audience. Make sure it's authentic, relatable, and addresses their pain points with current solutions.

So, how will you use the Affinity Bias in your ads?

Lemme know how it goes!

Until next time,
