🧑‍🔬 How to Hook New Customers

Get them committed with this tactic

Brand: HelloFresh

Psychology Concept: Commitment & Consistency

Days Running: 243 Days
(This gives an indication for how it’s performing)

🧪 Commitment & Consistency Bias

The Commitment & Consistency Bias refers to our desire to be–and to appear–consistent with what we’ve already done.

🤳 How HelloFresh Uses The Commitment & Consistency Bias

By offering up to 20 free meals, HelloFresh entices new customers to make a small commitment.

Once customers try these free meals and, assuming they enjoy them, they are more likely to continue their subscription.

The small initial commitment turns into a consistent habit of using HelloFresh.

The Commitment & Consistency Bias helps HelloFresh hooks new customers and get their foot in the door.

🧠 How You Can Use The Commitment & Consistency Bias

The key to using the Commitment & Consistency bias in your marketing is to start with a small, enticing offer that encourages customers to make an initial commitment.

Here’s how you can use this bias:

  1. Free Trials or Samples: Offer a limited-time free trial or sample of your product. Once customers use it and see the benefits, they’ll be more inclined to purchase.

  2. Introductory Discounts: Provide a significant discount on the first purchase. For example, an online course platform could offer the first month at a heavily reduced rate. As users get into the habit of using the platform, they are more likely to continue at the regular price.

  3. Membership Perks: Introduce a loyalty program where customers get small, regular rewards for their purchases. This encourages them to keep coming back to earn more rewards.

  4. Subscription Models: Offer the first month of a subscription service at a lower price. Whether it’s a subscription box, a streaming service, or a software tool, once users start relying on the service, they’re more likely to continue their subscription.

  5. Onboarding Experiences: Create an onboarding process that gradually increases the user’s commitment. For example, a fitness app could start with a free personalized workout plan. As users follow the plan and see results, they’re more likely to purchase a full membership.

The Commitment & Consistency bias works because once people commit to something, they are psychologically driven to act consistently with that commitment. This consistency creates routine and habits.

So, how will you use the Commitment & Consistency bias?

Lemme know how it goes!

Until next time,
