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Psychology Concept: Implicit Egotism

Days Running: 90 Days
(This gives an indication of how it’s performing)

🧪 Implicit Egotism

Implicit Egotism is the psychological phenomenon where people are naturally drawn to things that reflect aspects of themselves, like their names, traits, or identities.

It’s a similar concept to In-Group Bias and Self-Image Congruity, which I’ve previously discussed.

🤳 How Chamberlain Coffee Uses Implicit Egotism

Chamberlain Coffee uses Implicit Egotism in this ad with the phrase "coffee snob approved." Using this language appeals directly to individuals who identify as coffee enthusiasts or “snobs.” By speaking to their sense of pride and identity as coffee connoisseurs, the brand makes them feel like they belong to an exclusive group.

🧠 How You Can Use Implicit Egotism

Here’s how you can incorporate Implicit Egotism into your ads to make your audience feel connected to your brand:

  • Address Your Audience's Identity: Use language that speaks directly to traits your target audience values about themselves. For example, if your audience sees themselves as fitness lovers, using phrases like “fitness expert approved” taps into their self-identity.

  • Appeal to Group Membership: Similar to “coffee snob approved,” emphasize group identities that your target customers are proud of. This could be something like “dog lover certified” or “tech geek tested” to appeal to their sense of belonging.

  • Highlight Personal Attributes: Mention characteristics your audience would like to associate with themselves. For instance, if your product helps with productivity, words like “for the organized professional” make customers feel you're speaking directly to them.

  • Use Personalized Language: Incorporate “you” or “your” to make the ad feel more personal. This simple shift makes your audience feel the product is designed with them specifically in mind, increasing their connection to it.

By leveraging Implicit Egotism, you can make your audience feel personally connected to your brand, increasing the likelihood of engagement and purchase.

So, how will you use the Implicit Egotism in your ads?

Lemme know how it goes!

Until next time,
